Meaning of (कनौड़, कनौड़ा) kanauda in english

As noun : boss eyed
amputee disgraced Ex:  Thenceforth the disgraced viscount devoted himself to study and writing. disreputable abject Ex:  An abject face abject Some jobs lowly Ex:  Aleksandr was raised by his mother and aunt in lowly circumstances ablush mean Ex:  The low volume of powder gases mean that . hangdog narrowness Ex:  The narrowness of heart abashed apologetic Ex:  Bartolomé de las Casas wrote instead from an apologetic point of view. yielding
As verb : spotted Ex:  Some criminals were spotted in the beer-house by the police. blemished embarrassed Ex:  Apparently not the least embarrassed by this turnabout abashed
As adjective : notorious Ex:  The most notorious of these physicians was Dr. mouldy shabby moldy Ex:  The past participle is used as a male name and means What is moldy trivial Ex:  Cantor established that set theory was not trivial ashamed Ex:  are you ashamed for having lied? shamefaced tight Ex:  It pops in and holds tight if you do it right . embarrassed Ex:  Apparently not the least embarrassed by this turnabout sheepish indebted Ex:  He owes his life to this man, he is indebted to him for life says of Him to whom a man saved or kept life
Suggested : not reputable having a bad reputation widely and unfavorably known the loss of respect, honor, or esteem ignominy shame to destroy or diminish the perfection of marked with or characterized by a spot or spots
Exampleकनौड़, कनौड़ा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(कनौड़, कनौड़ा) kanauda can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 13 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : kanau.Da, kanau.Daa

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